Jakie pytania zadawać w Phasmophobia, by porozmawiać z duchem. Spirit box, tablica ouija i więcej
Twitch ostatnio zaskakuje, jeżeli chodzi o popularność różnych produkcji. Grą, która ostatnio przejmuje ten serwis streamingowy jest Phasmophobia.
Phasmophobia to kolejna produkcja, w którą można grać w kilka osób. Ostatnio to właśnie takie społecznościowe gry osiągają największe sukcesy.
Wystarczy powiedzieć, że po południu na Twitchu najpopularniejszy wcale nie jest LoL, a Among Us, a im później, tym więcej osób śledzi właśnie Phasmophobię.
Pytania, jakie można zadać duchom
Phasmophobia zdecydowanie nie jest grą dla każdego. Jeżeli lubicie się jednak bać i szukać ze znajomymi duchów, to może być to dobra pozycja. Wszystko polega tutaj na wykonywaniu konkretnych zadań, związanych oczywiście z duchami.
Jednym z głównych elementów zabawy jest rozmowa z duchem. Kinetic Games stworzyło swoją grę w tak ciekawy sposób, że system rozpoznaje język angielski. Oznacza to tyle, że mówiąc do duchów faktycznie jesteśmy w stanie wywołać jakąś reakcję.
W sumie jest ponad 140 kwestii, natomiast jak wskazuje serwis „screenrant” większość z nich się powtarza. Te, które warto znać i z nich korzystać to:
- Anybody here?
- Anybody in the room?
- Anybody with us?
- Are you angry?
- Are you a boy?
- Are you a child?
- Are you a girl?
- Are you a woman?
- Are you close?
- Are you female?
- Are you friendly?
- Are you here?
- Are you male?
- Are you male or female?
- Are you old?
- Are you with us?
- Are you young?
- Can we help?
- Can you give me your name?
- Can you show yourself?
- Can you talk?
- Do you want to hurt us?
- Do you want us here?
- Do you want us to leave?
- Give us a sign!
- Hello?
- How old are you?
- How young are you?
- Is anyone here?
- Is there a ghost here?
- Is there a spirit here?
- Let us know you are here.
- Shall we leave?
- Should we leave?
- Show yourself!
- Speak to us!
- What are you?
- What is your age?
- What is your gender?
- What is your location?
- What is your name?
- What do you want?
- What should we do?
- When were you born?
- Where are you?
- Who am I talking to?
- Who are we talking to?
- Who are you?
- Who is this?
- Why are you here?
Nieco innych pytań należy używać w przypadku Spirit Boxa. Są to:
- Are there any ghosts?
- Are you happy?
- Are you here all the time?
- Are you male or female?
- Are you the only one here?
- Are you waiting?
- Can I ask you?
- Can we speak?
- Can you make a sound?
- Can you speak?
- Can you speak to us?
- Do something.
- Do you know who we are?
- Do you want us to leave?
- Fright.
- Frighten.
- Give us a sign.
- Hide.
- Horror.
- I am scared/I’m scared.
- Is there anyone here?
- Is there anyone with me?
- Is there anything I can do?
- Knock.
- Knock something.
- Make a noise.
- Make a sound.
- May I ask you?
- Open a door.
- Open the door.
- Open this door.
- Panic.
- Run.
- Scared.
- Scary.
- Scream.
- Show me.
- Show us.
- Show us your presence.
- Spooky.
- Talk to me.
- Talk to us.
- Throw something.
- Turn off the light.
- Turn on the light.
- We are friends.
- We mean you no harm.
- We would like to speak to you.
- We would like to speak with you.
- Would you like to talk?
Ostatnie pytania to takie, która można zadać mając przed sobą tablicę ouija:
- Who did you kill?
- Who is your victim?
- What is the name of the person you killed?
- What is the name of the person you murdered?
- What is your victim?
- Did you murder?
- Who did you murder?
- Who died?
- How old are you?
- What is your age?
- Are you old?
- Are you young?
- How long have you been dead?
- How many years ago did you die?
- How long have you been here?
- How long ago did you die?
- When did you die?
- How many are in this room?
- How many people are in this room?
- How many people are in here?
- How many ghosts are in this room?
- How many ghosts are in here?
- Are you alone?
- Are we alone?
- Who is here?
- Who is in this room?
- Where are you?
- What is your favourite room?
- Where is your room?
- What is your room?
- Are you here?
- Are you close?
- Are there any spirits?
- Are you near?
- Are you around?